Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Anyone can claim to be loved by their customers, but we prefer to let our customers do the talking for us. Read on, to discover why our customers choose Redman Garage Doors time and again.

I called all over Camarillo to find the best price for my garage door.  Hands down Redman Garage Doors was the best priced.  When I looked at the website I could tell that their work was top notch.  THEY DID NOT DISAPPOINT!  Super stoked on my new garage door and I highly recommend these guys. -Jeremiah W. Camarillo, CA

Redman Custom Garage Doors is the best around when it comes to garage doors. Jim Redman is a man of integrity, a hard working, red blooded American. He can hang any door, but if you really want to be the talk of the neighborhood, he can make you a door from scratch. -David F. Camarillo, CA

Quality, Wait Time, Customer Service, Other
“So great to get a final price that matches the estimate! Thanks to EJ & Jim for excellent service & work!” –

Your Go-To Garage Door Fixer!
“I can’t tell you enough what a great job he did. You’re our go-to garage door fixer!” – Mike V. Camarillo, CA